Comment 1 for bug 1943423

Revision history for this message
sascha arthur (sarthur) wrote :

Heres are the last lines when the MGR is running, but kicked out of the cluster:

2021-09-14T00:00:42.062+0000 7f05361b8640 -1 received signal: Hangup from pkill -1 -x ceph-mon|ceph-mgr|ceph-mds|ceph-osd|ceph-fuse|radosgw|rbd-mirror|cephfs-mirror (PID: 1137578) UID: 0
2021-09-14T00:00:42.530+0000 7f0526ffd640 -1 monclient: _check_auth_rotating possible clock skew, rotating keys expired way too early (before 2021-09-13T23:00:42.534987+0000)
2021-09-14T00:00:43.530+0000 7f0526ffd640 -1 monclient: _check_auth_rotating possible clock skew, rotating keys expired way too early (before 2021-09-13T23:00:43.535155+0000)