Comment 7 for bug 1209442

Revision history for this message
dei (cephos) wrote :

Sadly another two upgrades the next day didn't help either. :-( Anyone can give me hint how to debug that (I'm a Java-Dev, so shouldn't be hard if someone can give me a hint where to start)?

Sadly interface-problems happen more and more often since canonical has started implementing Mir on my computers too. Please let the old unity be the old and save the fancy new features for unity 8 on mir. Better forget about backports than possibly destabilize a stable-release that works for most people.

As far as I understood, a bad update will not be downgraded with phased updates but upgrades for further users will be blocked. Ubuntu's apt doesn't have any rollback-mechanics built-in as far as I know (would need btrfs to support snapshots and rollback before each update).