Comment 3 for bug 1785644

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Marco Simondo (msaesis) wrote :

Good morning

We are experiencing on Ubuntu 18.04 with CUPS 2.2.7 this strange problem.
We use Ubuntu 18.04 clients to print to raw queues on a Ubuntu 18.04 server.
We do this for print accounting and control in our application.

We do many many tests, on Ubuntu 18.04, Kubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.04, and to finish, on Debian 9 (with CUPS 2.2.1)

For our testing, we create a printer called MYREMOTEPRINTER .
This is the name of the raw queue on server and, to keep it simple, the name of the printer for the clients.

Each time we print a document (from Firefox, evince, and many others applications), asking 2 ou more copies, we get 2^2, or 3^3 and so on copies.
Same behaviour if we print from command line ("lp -d MYREMOTEPRINTER -n 2 MyDocument.PDF").

A document of 3 pages, 2 copies, will generate 3 * 2^2 pages = 12 pages instead of 6.
And if you want to print just a unique page, 10 copies, you will get 100 pages !

This problem did not exist on Ubuntu 14.04 with CUPS 1.7.2

The same problem has been opened (and closed, without any explanations) on GitHub here :
(were I posted too this comment)

We discovered also that if we declare the remote printer as :
instead of

(and declare cups-ldp in inetd.conf, of course) problem is not present.

This doesn't seem just an Ubuntu bug (Debian has same problem), but if it is a CUPS problem, I don't understand why it has been closed by its developer.

Do you think this bug could be solved in current Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ?

Best regards