Comment 3 for bug 564476

Revision history for this message
Ted (kulinskit) wrote :

The denyhosts author (thanks Phil!) and another person seem to have solved this issue. See for the details.

I am running Ubuntu 10.04. The following fix from sourceforge blog got it working for me:

1) Edit /var/lib/denyhosts/sync-timestamp, and replace the timestamp with a valid unix timestamp. (I used 1276467300 )

2) At line 55 in /usr/share/denyhosts/DenyHosts/, I made the following change

fp = open(os.path.join(self.__work_dir,

fp = open(os.path.join(self.__work_dir,

I take *NO* credit for the fix, but am posting to give something back to the community & hopefully save the next chap some research time fixing this issue.