Comment 45 for bug 90681

Revision history for this message
paul flint (paulflintpaulflint) wrote :

How to update nameserver in Network Manager and stop it from changing the /etc/resolv.conf after rebooting in Ubuntu 9.04 to 10.10

1. Open Terminal and type sudo su then press enter.

2. Type in gedit /etc/resolv.conf then press enter, you will then see your Network Managers nameserver usually, write down whatever the ip is then close terminal.

3. Right click Network Manager and select Edit Connections, left click Wired or Wireless, then left click Auto eth0 or eth1 or Auto whatever the name is for the wireless connection, left click Edit, then left click IPv4 Settings, tick box connect automatically, look at the Method box if it says Automatic (DHCP) left click the box and select Automatic (DHCP) addresses only, look at DNS servers and write in the box ***.***.***.***, ***.***.***.***, or the ip you wrote down if it is diferent ( DO NOT TYPE THE *** TYPE IN THE IP NUMBERS OF THE NAMESERVERS YOU WANT TO USE), the commas are important as they are used to seperate the namservers addresses in the /etc/resolv.conf. Tick box Available to all users then left click apply and then type in your computer password when prompted and press apply. The first 2 nameservers are the nameservers you want to use and the 3rd is your DNS nameserver. Reboot and perform step 1 an 2 you will find the nameservers you typed in the Network Manager have not been changed.