Comment 3 for bug 1096837

Revision history for this message
Klaus Bielke (k-bielke) wrote :

This is not an issue of the evince program, but the apparmor rules for evince.

Checking by trying this procedure on Ubuntu 10.04, 12.04 or 14.04:
Be carefull, these modifications will be permanent and survive reboot!

1. Install apparmor-utils.
2. In a terminal check apparmor status with this command: sudo aa-status
evince should be in enforce mode.
3. Set evince to complain mode in apparmor with this command: sudo aa-complain evince
4. Try opening a PDF without tailing '.pdf' on a filesystem mounted under /media/… It should proceed without error. You can also save a file from evince without '.pdf' now on an external media.
5. You can undo with this command: sudo aa-enforce evince

I do not recommend using step 3 as a workaround for this bug. It is a hint that evince need its apparmor rules to be improved. I will file a separate bug against package evince-common, which contains a profile for apparmor.