Comment 0 for bug 410025

Revision history for this message
In , Trev-moz (trev-moz) wrote :

Created attachment 383302
Minimal content policy for testing

This issue has been reported multiple times for Adblock Plus, it is Linux only. The page where it is reproducible without a valid login is the online banking page of Danske Bank - reloading this page a few times with Adblock Plus installed always hangs Firefox. I reproduced it with Ubuntu from a live CD (this means Firefox 3.0.8 and Sun Java Plug-in 1.5.0_18-b02) with a minimal content policy component. The original reporter had Sun Java 6 and Firefox 3.0.10 on Ubuntu, could reproduce with Firefox 3.5b99 (official build) and Iceweasel on Debian Lenny as well however.

To reproduce: Download nsTestPolicy.js from the attachment and put it into /usr/lib/firefox-n.n.n/components directory (that's the directory path on Ubuntu, might be different for other distributions). Then create an ".autoreg" file in your Firefox profile. Then start Firefox and go to (allow running the applet). Reload the page a few times, for me it always hanged up on third or forth reload.