Comment 12 for bug 1470109

Revision history for this message
Michi Henning (michihenning) wrote :

Yes, I think so. I'm still working on the underlying cancellation issue. It turns out that a bug in our code meant that a cancel() sent to the thumbnail actually didn't cancel. That's benign because, if a request isn't cancelled, it completes normally and the result is ignored when the request finishes. (It just means that the thumbnailer potentially does some work that it was asked not to do.)

After fixing the bug in our code so requests are indeed cancelled, I'm seeing major problems in both gallery and camera apps if there are lots of images and I scroll quickly through a bunch of thumbnails. It's not yet clear whether that is a thumbnailer problem or something at the QML widget level. We are in the process of tracking it down.

At any rate, we won't land the cancel fix until we are sure that it won't break anything, so go ahead and land this gallery app change please.