Comment 11 for bug 1758512

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asala (asala) wrote : Re: No virtual terminals (CTRL+ALT+F?) when no user logged in; erratic behaviour when user logged in.

Yes, both are on 18.04.

I wonder why I can reproduce it on three computers with two ubuntu versions, with both Nvidia and Intel and you cannot (post #6)... Just in case it might matter, I have other desktop environments (Plasma, xfce) also installed, but my session manager is set to gdm.

Additional info: I have a third computer which is still on 17.10 with Nvidia graphics, and it also sports the same kind of buggy behaviour as my post #8, so it seems this might be inherited from at least one prior version. I reported the bug and assigned it to gdm because, well, when the computer is apparently dead (step 3 in #8), if you SSH and do sudo pkill gdm, then it dies, respawns and things go back to normal, no need to reboot via REISUB when another computer is at hand.