Comment 15 for bug 360009

Revision history for this message
Atila:Huni (orioni5) wrote :

Ciào Andrea,

scrivo in inglese x tutti.

what do you mean by "take a look if this file is correct:

/usr/share/gedit/plugins/latex/tools.xml )" ?

this is it:

  <tool description="Create a PDF from LaTeX source" extensions=".tex" id="1" label="LaTeX → PDF">
    <job mustSucceed="True" postProcessor="RubberPostProcessor">rubber --inplace --maxerr -1 --short --force --warn all --pdf "$filename"</job>
    <job mustSucceed="True" postProcessor="GenericPostProcessor">gvfs-open "$shortname.pdf"</job>
  <tool description="Create a PostScript from LaTeX source" extensions=".tex" id="3" label="LaTeX → PS">
    <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="RubberPostProcessor">rubber --inplace --maxerr -1 --short --force --warn all --ps "$filename"</job>
    <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="GenericPostProcessor">gvfs-open "$"</job>
  <tool description="Create a DVI from LaTeX source" extensions=".tex" id="4" label="LaTeX → DVI">
    <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="RubberPostProcessor">rubber --inplace --maxerr -1 --short --force --warn all "$filename"</job>
    <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="GenericPostProcessor">gvfs-open "$shortname.dvi"</job>
  <tool description="Create a DVI with source specials from LaTeX source" extensions=".tex" id="5" label="LaTeX → DVI (Source Specials)">
    <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="LaTeXPostProcessor">latex -interaction batchmode -src "$filename"</job>
    <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="LaTeXPostProcessor">latex -interaction batchmode -src "$filename"</job>
    <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="GenericPostProcessor">xdvi -unique -s 6 -bg white -editor gedit "$shortname.dvi"</job>
  <tool description="Process R Sweave file and create a PDF from the resulting LaTeX source" extensions=".Rnw" id="6" label="R Sweave → PDF">
    <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="GenericPostProcessor">R CMD Sweave "$shortname.Rnw"</job>
    <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="RubberPostProcessor">rubber --inplace --maxerr -1 --short --force --warn all --pdf "$shortname.tex"</job>
    <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="GenericPostProcessor">gvfs-open "$shortname.pdf"</job>
  <tool description="Remove LaTeX build files" extensions=".tex" id="7" label="Cleanup LaTeX Build Files">
    <job mustSucceed="False" postProcessor="GenericPostProcessor">rm -f "$directory"/*.aux "$directory"/*.log "$directory"/*.toc "$directory"/*.bbl "$directory"/*.blg</job>
  <tool description="Convert BibTeX to XML" extensions=".bib" id="8" label="BibTeX → XML">
    <job mustSucceed="true" postProcessor="GenericPostProcessor">bibtex2xml "$filename"</job>

in fact everything worked fine until an updating. As i'm using precise i have to update it over and over till the stable release comes out.
i dont have a clue what it might be. is it the new python 2.6 or gtk+3?
i dont feel like start learning another prog.language in order to solve this issue.
thanks in advance
spero ci sentiamo in giornata!!