Comment 11 for bug 285815

Revision history for this message
Henrik Rydberg (rydberg) wrote :

Although I am happy that you are looking into this problem, I think the patch is doing the wrong thing:

1. It is introducing more state to the desktop setup - it should be possible to determine the right scaling automatically.

2. The scaling factor in the patch is integral - this is causing all sorts of hysteresis problems, and is the source of the light sensor problem in the first place, since HAL does not treat fractional percent in the dbus interface. Continuing along that track cannot be good.

The problem with the low light sensor reading seems to have to do with the new macbooks, starting with MBP41, via MBA11 to the MAP51. Evidently the interface changed, since the new models report a SMC key length of 10, compared to the old 6. Most likely the applesmc_light_show() could be fixed for those models, since the current code only reports values for the left sensor, although two sensors are present.