Comment 1 for bug 164550

Revision history for this message
ikman (byrdrr) wrote : "undoing" a couple buttons crashed program

I just installed Kdevelop, which didn't work until I installed 'build-essential' based on a forum suggestion. I then opened the Designer added a selected 'Button' and proceeded to add a few (5 or 6) buttons to the form in random locations including some on top of the other. After trying to get back to a neutral mode (as opposed to the '+' cursor that added more buttons every time I clicked on the form), I started undoing some buttons. After two or three button undo's, a crashed dialog appeared that suggested me filing a bug report. I am using Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy i386 on an Athlon 64/x2 w/ 1 GB memory and ATI 256 MB video. I copied the listing that the bug report put on the screen, but it won't paste into this window and I can't find it on the clipboard using any other means. If it is saved to a log file somewhere, just tell me.
