Comment 7 for bug 668970

Revision history for this message
Abdusamed Ahmed (sir508) wrote :

I ran the lm-profiler. Once after doing work and once after clean boot. Below is the instance of clean boot which ended up with the same result. 'Gvfs-metadata' and 'jdb2/sda5-8' kept on popping up very frequently.

The problem is however, it may seem from the output that the system much have been very quiet, it wasn't. The HDD kept on spinning without showing any indication of slowing down for a break. If I forced them to sleep using the hdparm -Y command, they would instantly start spinning up without even stoping for a second with a 'flush 8.0' or 'flush 0.8' message showing in the terminal with lm-profiler command running.

Though I didn't want to but I decided to disable all the services it asked as 'standard recommendation' which I wanted to consult here before doing because I wanted to maximize complete utilization of laptop-mode-tools customization. Like I wanted to add this to 'configuration-file-control.conf' make my system kinda a bit more 'professional' so nothing is lost instead of simply disabling it!

For the side note, I created a 2 GB swap file after installing Ubuntu, I don't have a dedicated swap partition. I have 4 GIGS of ram too.

What should I do now? If you see my setting in my customized laptop-mode.conf, I haved edited to run laptop-mode-tools on AC also.

~$ sudo lm-profiler
[sudo] password for bahie:
Profiling run started.
Write accesses at 24/600 in lm-profiler run: bash
Write accesses at 30/600 in lm-profiler run: gvfsd-metadata jbd2/sda5-8
Write frequency :
      1 bash
      1 gvfsd-metadata
      1 jbd2/sda5-8
Read frequency :

Profiling run completed.

Program: "anacron"
Reason: standard recommendation (program may not be running)
Init script: /etc/init.d/anacron (GUESSED)

Do you want to disable this service in battery mode? [y/N]: y

Program: "cron"
Reason: standard recommendation (program may not be running)
Init script: /etc/init.d/cron (GUESSED)

Do you want to disable this service in battery mode? [y/N]: y

Program: "atd"
Reason: standard recommendation (program may not be running)
Init script: /etc/init.d/atd (GUESSED)

Do you want to disable this service in battery mode? [y/N]: y

Program: "cupsd"
Reason: listens on network, may not be needed offline.
Init script: /etc/init.d/cups (GUESSED)

Do you want to disable this service in battery mode? [y/N]: y

Program: "master"
Reason: listens on network, may not be needed offline.
Init script: /etc/init.d/hddtemp (GUESSED)

Do you want to disable this service in battery mode? [y/N]: y

Program: "mlnet"
Reason: listens on network, may not be needed offline.
Init script: /etc/init.d/mldonkey-server (GUESSED)

Do you want to disable this service in battery mode? [y/N]: y

Program: "monopd"
Reason: listens on network, may not be needed offline.
Init script: /etc/init.d/monopd (GUESSED)

Do you want to disable this service in battery mode? [y/N]: y


Although it does seem to stop a bit longer. But I'm still can't sure if it's fixed.