Comment 28 for bug 1313430

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DrX (miguel-x-rodriguez-paz) wrote :

Update: I had to reset my ipod from Windows Itunes. Itunes erased without asking all my music. So I reset the ipod and now it was appearing in ubuntu file manager but it was not mounting. I came across a page suggesting to run:
sudo chmod 777 /var/lib/lockdown

after doing this, neither Rhythmbox, nor Banshee nor Clementine crash. I can actually access my ipod from Rhythmbos and Banshee and I see the couple of albums I transferred in Itunes. I try to transfer music and it shows me the transfer bar, with number of songs and MB and it finishes but music does not appear on ipod. I can even play the music that I transferred in Rhythmbox (without quitting) but when I quit and then access Ipod again, none of my tracks transferred with Rhythmbox are there.

It seems to be a bad problem with iOS itself since I found about the resetting option in help forums for Itunes. It gives crazy behaviour like not transferring art work for albums until you reset your ipod... I feel I am closer to make it work and it was not an Ubuntu thing. Only problem now is that I am not able to transfer music. At least programs are not crashing anymore.