Comment 6 for bug 1930398

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

Another odd detail I have seen that your error is
internal error: unable to execute QEMU command 'blockdev-remove-medium': Tray of device 'sata0-0-0' is not open

But your cdrom isn't sata at all

    <disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
      <source file='/mnt/5155538a-0a91-3468-9c82-a927ec96c539/206-2-7475aee1-70a6-3fe7-bc3e-95f964428d79.iso' index='1'/>
      <target dev='hdc' bus='ide' tray='open'/>
      <alias name='ide0-1-0'/>
      <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='1' target='0' unit='0'/>