Comment 49 for bug 1349740

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In , phartatmisassa (phartatmisassa-linux-kernel-bugs) wrote :

Kernel 3.16.30 and 3.16.37

I have been struggling with the same issues, I have switched from Debian 7 to Ubuntu 14.04 to 14.10 to Snappy and back to 14.04.2.

I don't even know where to start, I am not a kernel developer, but it is starting to seem like Microsoft took over recently, or least started "helping" too much.

I just managed to install 14.04.2 by using acpi=no during boot from the disk. At one point while 15 was installed I could only boot into the system in recovery mode and then pop out of that to get a semi functional desktop. I read about the acpi=no thing, tried it, and suddenly I could boot up 100% and shutdown without getting stuck at a black screen and a spinning fan. It reminds me of pulling the cartridge out of a nintendo and trying to keep playing.

So now I am on Windows, because that's the only thing working round here (never in a million years thought I'd say that). I finished installing 14.04.2, it started up fine, I was stoked, then I updated and upgraded it, then rebooted. The damn thing hung and fans started spinning again without a full power down. So I had to press and hold the power button. Next I turned it back on (feel like I am tearing up my PC), and hit f12 and selected ubuntu and grub initiated, then it went to black screen and fans started spinning. Now I can't boot back into Linux anymore, not even with acpi=no.

What info do you need? I will try to get it by booting into rescue mode or trying to boot from dvd. But the last three attempts to boot with acpi=no failed with black screen and spinning fans.