Comment 3 for bug 576602

Revision history for this message
Vk (flo74970) wrote :

Sorry for my english i'm french ^

i've done a starting script in init.d for fancontrol to handle the different configurations :

First create fancontrol, fancontrol1, fancontrol2 configuration files for fancontrol with different configurations you can have (you can have only two or more than three conf files)

then here is the script :

# Fancontrol start script.

set -e

# Defaults

test -f $DAEMON || exit 0

. /lib/lsb/init-functions

case "$1" in
                log_begin_msg "Starting fancontrol config 1..."
                start-stop-daemon --start -o -b -p $PIDFILE -x $DAEMON $CONFIG2
  log_end_msg $?
  sleep 1
                if start-stop-daemon --stop -q -p $PIDFILE ; then
                log_success_msg "redémarrage configuration ok1"
  start-stop-daemon --start -o -b -p $PIDFILE -x $DAEMON $CONFIG2
                log_end_msg $?
  exit 0
  rm -f $PIDFILE

  log_begin_msg "Starting fancontrol config 2..."
                start-stop-daemon --start -o -b -p $PIDFILE -x $DAEMON $CONFIG1
  log_end_msg $?
  sleep 1
                if start-stop-daemon --stop -q -p $PIDFILE ; then
                log_success_msg "redémarrage configuration ok2"
  start-stop-daemon --start -o -b -p $PIDFILE -x $DAEMON $CONFIG1
                log_end_msg $?
  exit 0
  rm -f $PIDFILE

  log_begin_msg "Starting fancontrol config 3..."
                start-stop-daemon --start -o -b -p $PIDFILE -x $DAEMON $CONFIG3
  log_end_msg $?
  sleep 1
                if start-stop-daemon --stop -q -p $PIDFILE ; then
                log_success_msg "redémarrage configuration ok3"
  start-stop-daemon --start -o -b -p $PIDFILE -x $DAEMON $CONFIG3
                log_end_msg $?
  exit 0
  rm -f $PIDFILE
                log_begin_msg "Stopping fancontrol daemon..."
                start-stop-daemon --stop -o -q -p $PIDFILE
                log_end_msg $?
                rm -f $PIDFILE
                sh $0 stop
                sh $0 start
                log_success_msg "Usage: /etc/init.d/fancontrol {start|stop|restart|force-reload}"
                log_success_msg " start - starts system-wide fancontrol service"
                log_success_msg " stop - stops system-wide fancontrol service"
                log_success_msg " restart, force-reload - starts a new system-wide fancontrol service"
                exit 1

exit 0

For now then fancontrol daemon always starts without fails....
Hope this could be useful for others
With only one week of linux practice, i'm proud of this script ! ^^