Comment 6 for bug 1309054

Revision history for this message
Frank (starcmn) wrote :

Connect to Huawei E355 Router via USB interface
without any kernel hacking and without network-manager

The following workaround is tested with
Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS and Linux kernel 3.13.0-35-generic

simple workaround on command line (e.g. with gnome-terminal)

1.) Get root access via command

  sudo su -

2.) Append the following two lines to file /etc/network/interfaces

auto wwan0
iface wwan0 inet dhcp

3.) Disable all Internet connections via network-manager
    (i.e. disable or remove WLAN connections to the Internet)
     The network-manager should not start any Internet connections after reboot.

4.) Restart networking with the following commands or reboot
    (for details see )

ifdown --exclude=lo -a && ifup --exclude=lo -a

5.) Show status: IP address is shown in second line with the following command

  ifconfig wwan0

6.) Check internet connection


After reboot, the router is automatically connected.
An additional local connection managed by network-manager did not interfere
with this wwan0 configuration.