Comment 40 for bug 1295440

Revision history for this message
In , Harald Sitter (apachelogger) wrote :

Still unable to reproduce unfortunately, going to do one last try before we'll have to look into somewhat more extreme measure....

The following commands will basically collect every bit of low level information about your available and installed packages, (hopefully) allowing me to replicate your exact package situation. Or at least manually track why exactly your muons cannot find the package primus-libs-ia32. Should this also fail I'll have to ask you to do manual debugging of the muon-updater itself, which is always a gigantic pain, so I'd rather avoid that ^^

Please attach the tar.xz created by:

rm -rf verboselog
mkdir verboselog
cd verboselog
touch log
echo "___apt-cache-show___" >> log
apt-cache show primus-libs-ia32 >> log
echo "___apt-cache-policy___" >> log
apt-cache policy primus-libs-ia32 >> log
echo "___dpkg-get-selections___" >> log
dpkg --get-selections '*' >> log
echo "___dpkg-query___" >> log
dpkg-query -W --showformat='${binary:Package};${Version};${Status}\n' | grep -v deinstall >> log
echo "___apt-cache-dump___" >> log
apt-cache dump >> log
cp -r /etc/apt etc-apt
cp -r /var/log/dpkg* .
cp -r /var/log/apt .
cd ..
rm verboselog.tar verboselog.tar.xz
tar -cf verboselog.tar verboselog
rm -rf verboselog
xz -9 verboselog.tar
echo "verboselog.tar.xz"