Comment 7 for bug 20913

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Mantas Kriaučiūnas (mantas) wrote :

To Lithuanians:
Baltix'e nuo 1.0 versijos atsirado tokie bug'ai - lužta jei spaudi dešinį ant bylos/katalogo ir išsirenki "atidaryti su", taip pat jei bandai pakeisti bylų tvarkymo nustatymus per
"Sistema->Nustatymai->Bylų tvarkymas"

nautilus crashes on Ubuntu 5.10 (breezy) when language is set to Lithuanian (lt_LT.UTF-8) and python-nautilus package ver. 0.3.0-2ubuntu2 is installed. Nautilus always crashes, when I choose "Atverti su kita programa..." (this is lithuanian translation of "Open with Other Application") from right click menu on any file/folder.
Also I always get nautilus crash if I try to change "File management" preferences through "System"->"Preferences"->"File management" or press on "Pridėti" button from "Atverti su" tab (this is lithuanian translation of "Open With"->"Add").
When I change interface language to en-US, then all these crashes dissapears :-/ This is 100% reproducible on all computers (tested with more than 20 different hardware) with Ubuntu 5.10 (breezy) when language is Lithuanian and package python-nautilus is installed.

So, I think there are 2 bugs - one with python-nautilus package and another with nautilus Lithuanian language (lt_LT.UTF-8).

When I removed python-nautilus package, then nautilus stops to crash, but output in terminal (when I start nautilus --no-desktop) is different if nautilus is started with LANG=lt_LT.UTF-8 and I choose "Open With Other Application from right click menu:

asilas@baltix-linux:~$ LANG=lt_LT.UTF-8 nautilus --no-desktop

(nautilus:12079): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set label from markup due to error parsing markup: Eilutės 1 simbolio 94 klaida: Sutiktas elemento „markup“ uždarymo simbolis, tačiau šiuo metu atidarytas kitas elementas „i“

I don't get Gtk-WARNING if I start nautilus with LANG=en_US.UTF-8 .