Comment 92 for bug 1021375

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Jan Pischel (jamcheck) wrote :

I observe a variant of this bug in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit (4.4.0-71-generic #92-Ubuntu): In Nautilus 3.14.3, an auto-mounted partition on a local drive is read-only (no issues before, nothing changed with the system (hardware) configuration). In addition, if I open files with apps (gedit, ...) from Nautilus by double click, I cannot save changes.

The variant is this: Even if I use now the terminal, the drive is read-only (I cannot create files -- touch: cannot touch 'test.txt': Read-only file system -- or save changes when editing files).

Workaround: I can still change content using the terminal or Krusader by remounting the partition, i.e.

sudo mount -o remount,rw '/media/<username>/<partitionname>

However, as soon as I go to the mount directory in Nautilus, it seems to be read-only again, so no chance to change contents. It looks to me like Nautilus really changes actively the information of the mounted drive.

Please let me know if you need further information to debug. I agree to previous users that this bug is really annoying, especially since nothing seems to happen for now almost FIVE YEARS!