Comment 38 for bug 385723

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Konstantin Maslov (conma) wrote :

@Mario Schwalbe: nvidia-bl-dkms 0.16.7 for lucid works for my sony vaio vgn-fz11sr.

On fresh Lucid. Just install the package, add line "nvidia-bl max_level=1026" to /etc/modules and reboot. Does not work properly without parameter on my laptop. Parameters values that work are from 1024 to 1029 or so...

Just one thing more, I can not set full backlight with hotkeys (Fn+F5/F6), always one step lower. If I press BrightnessUp key many many times Smartdimmer still shows 95, the maximum is 100, "cat /sys/class/backlight/bla-bla-bla" is one step lower the maximum too. All other backlight functions work just fine.

The problem on VAIOs is that there is no laptop_panel device in hal with proprietary nvidia driver. There are some scripts to manage backlight through Smartdimmer on VAIOs and Smartdimmer works fine in latest Ubuntu distros. But these scripts do not work because hal does not recognize laptop_panel device.

Backlight management works fine with nouveau driver but this driver has no 3D acceleration yet.