Comment 1 for bug 1377148

Revision history for this message
Tony Espy (awe) wrote :


Let's confine this to a single operator until we can prove it's generic.

In this case Yoigo ( MCC=214 MNC=04 ) as a roaming agreement with movistar ( MCC=214 MNC=07 ) where the latter provides UMTS coverage.

You're trace leaves out the other NetworkRegistration property changes such as 'Name', 'Technology', and 'MNC' changes which provide a bit more context to understanding what's going on.

In the first instance, the modem goes from movistar/umts/mnc=07 to Yoigo/hspa/mnc=04 in about 7/10 of a second. In the other instances it's happening quicker, sometimes so quick that the Name and/or MNC changes aren't necessarily signaled to DBus.

One question for you is that if you're proven that ofono is correcting the roaming status based on the SIM files, why are we *ever* seeing "Status = roaming" in this case?

Have you managed to probe the contents of the SIM files involved and found them to be correct?