Comment 0 for bug 1389721

Revision history for this message
Chris Coulson (chrisccoulson) wrote :

With Oxide 1.2 being the version that's shipping in the RTM image, I want to start correctly versioning new API's so that we can upgrade Oxide OTA safely without breaking existing applications. I'm testing the attached patch for Oxide to add a revision to API's that were added in 1.3, but running the test suite results in the following failure:

file:///home/chr1s/src/oxide/oxide/qt/tests/qmltests/core/tst_CustomURLSchemes.qml:11:11: ".allowedExtraUrlSchemes" is not available due to component versioning.
       context.allowedExtraUrlSchemes: [ "test", "bar" ]
********* Start testing of qml-core-test *********
Config: Using QtTest library 5.3.0, Qt 5.3.0
QWARN : qml-core-test::tst_CustomURLSchemes::compile()
  /home/chr1s/src/oxide/oxide/qt/tests/qmltests/core/tst_CustomURLSchemes.qml produced 1 error(s):
    /home/chr1s/src/oxide/oxide/qt/tests/qmltests/core/tst_CustomURLSchemes.qml:11,11: ".allowedExtraUrlSchemes" is not available due to component versioning.
  Working directory: /home/chr1s/src/oxide/oxide/objdir/qt/tests/qmltests
  View: QQuickView, import paths:
  Plugin paths:

FAIL! : qml-core-test::tst_CustomURLSchemes::compile() ".allowedExtraUrlSchemes" is not available due to component versioning.
   Loc: [/home/chr1s/src/oxide/oxide/qt/tests/qmltests/core/tst_CustomURLSchemes.qml(11)]

After scratching my head for a while, I can't see what I'm doing wrong here.

If I run the following simple QML app, I can access the property correctly:

- test.qml:

import QtQuick 2.0
import com.canonical.Oxide 1.3

WebView {
  focus: true
  width: 960
  height: 540

  url: ""

  context: WebContext {
    allowedExtraUrlSchemes: []

However, if I run this simple app instead, then it fails with the same message I see in the unit tests:

- test.qml:

import QtQuick 2.0
import com.canonical.Oxide 1.3

TestWebView {
  focus: true
  width: 960
  height: 540

  url: ""

  context.allowedExtraUrlSchemes: []

- TestWebView.qml

import QtQuick 2.0
import com.canonical.Oxide 1.3

WebView {
  context: WebContext {}