Comment 0 for bug 1630399

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Devid Antonio Filoni (d.filoni) wrote :

Hi, as described in QTBUG-50567 [1], qtmultimedia doesn't support opus audio codec so for example we cannot record Telegram voice messages ( bug #1460464 and #1375179 ).

I patched qtmultimedia adding the support for audio/x-opus codec through opusdec encoder in qtmultimedia, then I found qtmultimedia 5.4.1 (shipped with Ubuntu Phone vivid) is built against gstreamer0.10 and, as gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad packages is not installed by default, opusdec encoder is not available.

I'm working on this bug, I created it to track the progress, in order to add opus support I have to:

1 - create a new gstreamer0.10-opus package containing only the opusdec plugin: I don't know whether I have to create a new source package containing opusdec sources or only a new .deb package (generated from gst-plugins-bad0.10 sources). I'm working on the latter as gst-plugins-bad0.10 package requires work in any ways.

2 - properly patch qtmultimedia source, I'm attaching a working-but-needs-cleanup patch. I think some opus declarations in the attached patch can be avoided, but I haven't had time to work on it so I'm attaching the patch I tested (requires gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad).
I don't know if qtmultimedia xenial/yakkety versions requires the patch too, I haven't checked them yet.
