Comment 5 for bug 304565

Revision history for this message
Mackenzie Morgan (maco.m) wrote :

Wait...I can't reproduce this in Intrepid.

If I do any of the following, the same window comes up:
- Right-click -> Sign
- "Sign" button on toolbar
- Right-click -> Properties -> Trust -> "Sign this Key"

That window asks how carefully the key has been checked. It does not have any requirements on checking the key, so there is no inconsistency.

Nowhere in Seahorse do I see "I have verified that this key is owned by <<USER>>" at all. The Trust tab's only checkbox is "I trust signatures from ____ on other keys." Checking that checkbox is not a requirement to hit the "Sign this Key" button next to it.

Either it changed between 8.04 and 8.10 or the Italian translation is wrong. Trying to see in #ubuntu-it if anyone can translate the current one to see if it changed.