Comment 3 for bug 404650

Revision history for this message
Matt Stillerman (mstillerman) wrote :

It is reproducible in the following senses:

1. Each time I run the program it is the same.

2. I tried reinstalling, still the same. Specifically:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall seahorse
sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-keyring

However, since I only have one machine, I cannot tell how to reproduce it from scratch. Since this is a brand new install of Ubuntu, on a brand new computer, my guess is that there something about my particular configuration that is causing this. This is a very standard Ubuntu AMD64 installation on the whole disk of a new Dell Studio XPS 16, with 6 Gigs of memory. I don't think I made ANY non-default choices. Subsequently, I did change my password, and I turned off passwords for logging in (so, it boots directly to my desktop).

I installed the restricted extras, and a bunch of software. Mostly very standard stuff. I did install Virtual Box without using apt-get. I am also running tracker.

To see the problem, I simply fire up seahorse (either from the Main Menu or command line) and look at preferences. As I said above, I cannot tell you how to get there from scratch (bare machine) or if it is reproducible in that sense.