Comment 1 for bug 255226

Revision history for this message
Tom Metro (tmetro+ubuntu) wrote :

For a long time I've used a workaround for this problem that moves all sysklogd generated files to /var/log/syslog/ and then uses this logrotate config file:

/var/log/syslog/*.log {
        olddir /var/log/syslog/old
                /etc/init.d/sysklogd reload-or-restart > /dev/null

Solves the problem cleanly, and I wish Debian would adopt this, but they're understandably concerned about moving the location of common log files.

Another approach would be to patch sysklogd to have a command line option where it will output the definitive list of log files parsed from its config file (supplanting the external shell script hack). Unfortunately you can't simply do `sysklogd --listfiles` in logrotate, due to its inflexibility. (Boggles the mind why a log rotation program was written in C instead of Perl. See also and )