Comment 3 for bug 751024

Revision history for this message
John Conover (john-johncon) wrote :

The problem seems to be a circular dependency between tex-common and texlive, Depending on the sequence of how these two were installed, (probably via a dependency,) it is impossible to update tex-common, (and/or texlive,) from apt-get. Apt-get creates the error when updating, and will not remove the error if tex-common and/or texlive is purged, (or removed,) and re-installed; aborting the re-installation, with the "... installation returned an error ..." message.

This may be an apt-get issue, since error files of a previous installation were not removed when the
tex-common/texlive packages were purged/removed.

This creates a security issue since System->Administration->Update Manager will attempt to install
tex-common/texlive BEFORE installing security updates, and fail, and immediately exit, leaving security updates not
installed, (but it does leave a !BAM icon on the bar, as the only message that something went wrong, and
does not mention the security updates were not finished.)