Comment 10 for bug 1064151

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Cliff (vzmith) wrote :

I also ran into this problem (Mint 17.1 64bit Mate live DVD, single core AMD 64 bit processor 4gig RAM).
nodmraid boot option did not fix it (before and after --)
nodmraid option to ubiquity did not fix it (ubiquity refused to run)

I'm not an expert on this, but there are software and hardware RAID controllers and my Windows may actually use something that is technically RAID.

Make a backup. A good habit to get into. I keep a few large USB drives for this. Move your large files (videos, ISO's, etc.) off to the backup drive and use a clonezilla live CD to back up your whole hard drive. I go a step farther after that and use gparted live CD to shrink my older OS's because they won't be used much any more and make another backup after that.

If you are not actually running a RAID setup then one work around listed elsewhere is to erase the RAID metadata. I could not find any statement that said that was always perfectly safe (I suspect that it is perfectly safe because the metadata must pass strong checksum requirements). Use this from a terminal prompt to find which of your drives have RAID on them:
  sudo dmraid -r -c

Then use this to erase dmraid metadata (replace /dev/sda with something else as needed):
  sudo dmraid -r -E /dev/sda

The previous is probably the best way for most people, but I was afraid of borking my Windows install as it was not my computer and I didn't know if it might have had software RAID in Windows.

Of course if you are simply reusing an old drive and just want to completely erase everything that is on it you can just wipe the whole thing with dd or ddrescue or dd_rescue and that will get rid of any RAID signatures.

As another option that doesn't erase the RAID metadata, I worked around the problem by starting the live DVD normally, starting a terminal and entering:
  sudo apt-get purge dmraid
then running the Linux installer without rebooting in between.

Note that this only temporarily removes dmraid from the live DVD environment. It is back again after rebooting the live DVD.

The new installed bootloader did not include my other operating systems because of the same dmraid issues, so after booting the newly installed Linux OS I had to bring up a terminal and enter these:
  sudo apt-get purge dmraid
  sudo update-grub

Also note that your grub configuration will have 'nodmraid' configured in /etc/default/grub so you won't be able to use RAID without changing that and running sudo update-grub, but most newbies don't need Linux RAID.