Comment 3 for bug 1810216

Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote :

Could you provide some more details about how you use script to run the release upgrade process? I was able to start a release upgrade using do-release-upgrade after having started script.

Thinking about it more I think this could be an issue with screen and your screenrc file. The dist-upgrade process will try to run the upgrade inside screen and provides its own screen rc file. One way to test this would be to run 'do-release-upgrade' and then cancel the upgrade process, then switch to /tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-$tempname and run 'sudo ./jammy --disable-gnu-screen'. (Apparently, that argument can't be passed through from do-release-upgrade.)

Here's part of my script log where things worked:

Script started on 2022-09-13 11:27:06-07:00 [TERM="xterm-256color" TTY="/dev/pts/0" COLUMNS="80" LINES="24"]
^[]0;bdmurray@clean-focal-amd64: ~^G^[[01;32mbdmurray@clean-focal-amd64^[[00m:^[[01;34m~^[[00m$ do-release-upgrade ^M
^[[?2004l^[[?1l^[>^[[?25h^[[>4;m^[[?1049l^[[23;0;0t^[]0;bdmurray@clean-focal-amd64: ~^G^[[01;32mbdmurray@clean-focal-amd64^[[00m:^[[01;34m~^[[00m$ do-release-upgrade ^M
Checking for a new Ubuntu release^M
^M0% [Working] ^M0% [Connecting to] ^M0% [Connecting to (] ^M0% [Connected to (] ^M0% [Waiting for headers] ^MGet:1 Upgrade tool signature [819 B] ^M
^M0% [1 0 B/819 B 0%] ^M99% [Working] ^M99% [Waiting for headers] ^MGet:2 Upgrade tool [1,265 kB] ^M
^M0% [2 0 B/1,265 kB 0%] ^M8% [2 111 kB/1,265 kB 8%] ^M76% [2 968 kB/1,265 kB 76%] ^M100% [Working] ^MFetched 1,266 kB in 0s (0 B/s) ^M
authenticate 'jammy.tar.gz' against 'jammy.tar.gz.gpg' ^M
extracting 'jammy.tar.gz'^M
^[[!p^[[?3;4l^[[4l^[>^[[?1049h^[[22;0;0t^[[4l^[[?1h^[=^[[0m^[(B^[[1;24r^[[H^[[2J^[[23B^[[7mscreenrc: log: window required^[[27m ^H^H^M^[[31C^[[1K^[[H^[[H^[[2J
Reading cache^M