Comment 22 for bug 1425172

Revision history for this message
Tony Espy (awe) wrote :


Regarding comment #18. Yes, NM does regular scans automatically. Over time, if it's not able to connect to an AP, the scan interval is gradually increased up to a maximum of 2m between scans. A long time ago, there used to be a method that nm-applet would use to tell NM that the user was interacting with the UI, which would in turn cause the scan_interval to revert back to it's minimum ( note, this may have just happened when the GetAccessPoints method was invoked ), but at some point a RequestScan method was added. I'm not sure if there's a trigger to cause the scan_interval to revert to minimum anymore.

We could add logic to the indicator to request a scan, however there's no way I can see to easily coordinate this with the current NM auto-scan logic. NMDeviceWiFi doesn't appear to export it's internal 'Scanning' property, nor does it export the current scan interval.

It may be that the we can change the cull_scan_list function to remove the AP when wpa_supplicant indicates that a BSS has been removed, although this might cause issues with roaming configurations as there might be other BSSes in the same SSID group ), or we could lower the prune_scan_interval... Fixing this logic is probably the most promising short-term fix. Long term, getting the removal to approach that of OS X or Android ( <= 30s ) will definitely involve the indicator in some way...