Comment 4 for bug 1386579

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

On the PC, toolkits have radio lists like ListItem as well. But they *also* have radio buttons, because for a couple of reasons, sometimes radio lists just don't work.

First, just as with boolean options, radio options may have secondary controls. An example of this is shown, albeit with a visual glitch, in the bug description <>: the second option has a caption containing a tappable link to the "Nokia HERE terms and conditions". That wouldn't be possible with ListItems.

If only one radio item has secondary controls, you can work around this by ordering the option with secondary controls last, so that the secondary controls are outside the list. But sometimes the order is already important: for example in that Location screen, the "Not at all" option really should be last. And sometimes, more than one option has secondary controls. An example of this is the "Connect to the Internet" screen of the installer <>, where both "Connect to this Wi-Fi network" and "Connect to a hidden Wi-Fi network" have secondary controls (and again, the negative option really should be last).

Second, radio options should sometimes be presented horizontally if they can fit, which ListItems can't do. For example in System Settings on the PC, "Time & Date" has "Set the time: ( ) Manually (*) Automatically from the Internet", while "Mouse & Touchpad" has "Primary button: (*) Left ( ) Right".

Let me know if you need any further info.