The MP for this bug fixed this issue until revno. 3153 [1], so we went ahead and approved the MP because it was still needed. We decided to remark this In Progress to try to figure out what caused the regression with 3153. However, bug #1129372 was entered yesterday and fixed and I have confirmed that this is now working. Marking this bug back to Fix Committed.
The MP for this bug fixed this issue until revno. 3153 [1], so we went ahead and approved the MP because it was still needed. We decided to remark this In Progress to try to figure out what caused the regression with 3153. However, bug #1129372 was entered yesterday and fixed and I have confirmed that this is now working. Marking this bug back to Fix Committed.
[1] http:// bazaar. launchpad. net/~unity- team/unity/ trunk/revision/ 3153