Comment 5 for bug 1168925

Revision history for this message
Rickard Westman (rwestman) wrote :

I've seen this bug a lot in the past month with a fully updated 12.04.4, although I mostly saw it triggered by another application in the LibreOffice suite (calc). It got progressively worse and was really bad yesterday, causing several crashes within an hour. Some workarounds I tried:

1. Turned off hardware acceleration in the LibreOffice options - did not help.

2. Restored the compiz configuration to the default - did not help (but reintroduced some rendering bugs, e.g. in LIbreOffice menu items and the tcsh prompt in xterm).

3. Rebooted several times - did not help.

4. Logged into a "Guest" profile instead of my normal one - seemingly DID help.

5. Returned to my normal profile and ran "unity --reset" - seemingly DID help, even after I manually restored the settings afterwards which I cared about (e.g. the compiz settings needed to avoid the rendering bugs mentioned in point 2).

So there seems to be some unity setting or configuration corruption triggering this bug, and a workaround that at least worked for me.