Comment 1 for bug 295025

Revision history for this message
zsquareplusc (zsquareplusc) wrote :

I made several attempts to get a bootable stick. 2 of the tries ended up in a state as described above.

I get a "boot:" prompt, pressing enter shows an error message about vesamenu.c32 not found.

I see that file file was copied to the syslinux folder on the stick. I also ran the ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso file in a virtual machine where it succeeded the disk check and also booted flawlessly.


# df -h
/dev/sdh1 2.0G 699M 1.3G 36% /media/disk

# fdisk -l /dev/sdh
Disk /dev/sdh: 2063 MB, 2063597056 bytes
226 heads, 38 sectors/track, 469 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 8588 * 512 = 4397056 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000709e3

   Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdh1 * 1 470 2015231 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
Partition 1 has different physical/logical endings:
     phys=(250, 225, 38) logical=(469, 70, 31)

# ls /media/disk
autorun.inf install pics README.diskdefines umenu.exe
casper ldlinux.sys pool syslinux wubi.exe
dists md5sum.txt preseed syslinux.cfg