Comment 8 for bug 1912670

Revision history for this message
nick_s (nickstylianou) wrote :

Before I try GNOME desktop, I tried some additional things:

1) From the Ctrl_Alt+F1 terminal console, running 'sudo systemctl restart lightdm' restarts my desktop environment and everything is ok until a few minutes idle time causes the problem again.

2) In the Xfce desktop panel I removed the Power Manager Plugin. I also used 'ps -ef | grep power' to identify the xfce4-power-manager process id, and killed it with sudo kill, such that no xfce4 power management processes are listed by ps.
After allowing many minutes of idle time, the problem does *not* occur.

3) I booted into the default desktop environment from the bootable Xubuntu 20.04.1 LTS USB stick (the same stick I installed from back in May 2020). The problem doesn't occur, even though xfce4-power-manager is running.

Does this give any further clues?