Comment 7 for bug 12301

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Henk Postma (henkpostma) wrote : Re: hsync/vrefresh not remembered; monitor off at boot is bad

(In reply to comment #6)
> The KVM thing is one of the interesting corner cases that we can't really fix at
> all. If the probe works when you're configuring Xorg, but then fails later,
> there's not really much we can do about that.

I have the same problem (posted it to ubuntu-users earlier) and I don't have a
KVM switch, so I don't think it has to do with that. Let me describe my symptoms:

My hardware:
Sony SRX77 laptop, Intel 82815 815 EM (i810) chipset. The problem is exactly the
same whether I boot with attached monitor, or without attached monitor. I am
running Hoary that I got from upgrading from a clean warty install. I don't have
this problem on another warty install, which I run on another partition.

The problem:
* the login screen is (properly) 1024x768
* then when I login it reverts to 640x480 (even though the xorg.conf doesn't
have this mode).
* The xorg.conf file is identical to the XF86Config-4 file in my warty, that I
have running on another partition.
* I then manually adjust it to 1024x768 with gnome-display-properties
* upon rebooting, the same thing happens: welcome screen in 1024x768, xorg
starts in 640, adjust with g-d-p

Let me know if you want log files, or other setup info to track this down.

Thanks, Henk