When you specify -smp cpus=512,maxcpus=512 you're creating a single VM with 512 vCPUs from the start. Could you try this but maybe set it to something smaller like `-smp cpus=2,maxcpus=64` to see what happens?
Or maybe also `-smp cpus-1,maxcpus=1` which is the default when launching these (single vCPU per VM)?
Hi Amy...
When you specify -smp cpus=512, maxcpus= 512 you're creating a single VM with 512 vCPUs from the start. Could you try this but maybe set it to something smaller like `-smp cpus=2,maxcpus=64` to see what happens?
Or maybe also `-smp cpus-1,maxcpus=1` which is the default when launching these (single vCPU per VM)?