Comment 0 for bug 910143

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Hong Zhu (hankzhu) wrote :

I have Ubuntu 11.10, Libreoffice by default. I need this package work for non-linear solver. I installed it from Ubuntu software center. After installation, I went to Calc-->Tools-->Extension Manager..., I can see that it reports error like the following
    Solver for Nonlinear Programming 0.9 Sun Microsystems
    Error: The status of this extension is unknown
And if I try to use it from Calc-->Tools-->Solver..., from Options, you can see this Solver Engine from the drop down box.

According to this website,
It needs openjdk-6-jdk. I have it on my machine.

The libreOffice is from default package, which version is 3.4.4. I don't have any special setup, configuration for it or for Ubuntu 11.10.

Please take a look!

Thanks a lot,