Comment 0 for bug 973498

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Leo Arias (elopio) wrote : windows firewall grants access until the dashboard is reached

I'm on a clean windows 7 machine, testing the installer provided by briancurtin with mandels update branch.

Here, I can log in with an existing user, but get stuck at "Syncing the cloud to your computer", getting information. At this point I haven't received a firewall notification to grant access to the application, so this might be the problem. If I continue with the wizard until I'm presented with the dashboard, the firewall notification appears and I can get my cloud folders.

To reproduce:
Open Ubuntu One.
The Ubuntu One window will open showing the Welcome to Ubuntu One! screen. Click the button Sign me in with my existing account.
Enter the information requested:
    Enter the account email address.
    Enter the account password.
Click the Sign In button.
Wait for the validation process to complete.
Click the button Finish.
<->Here be stuck<->
You can click the next button, and continue to the dashboard.
When on the dashboard, you will get the firewall warning, be able to grant access and get the cloud folders.