Comment 113 for bug 1054776

Revision history for this message
Luke (lukekuhn) wrote :

This is beyond serious. I use Ubuntu in a high security, fully encrytped environment. I prefer to limit Internet access to programs I intend to use online, which in my case is browsers, wget, tor, and apt only. Remote searches should be limited to running from the browser in my opinion.

Since I do not use the Ubuntu-Desktop package this has not been installed into any of the operating systems or system images I use and distribute, but removing the shopping lens is now one more thing to remember if I set up a machine for someone directly from an installer. Stripping out all the things I do not recommend and getting the things I do recommend already takes hours, which is why I prefer to distribute from OS images taken from one of my machines as each alpha reaches release.

I've used Ubuntu for years, this is not yet enough to make me put my alpha-following sytems and images through a crossgrade to Debian Unstable, but it IS enough to force me to blacklist Ubuntu 12.10 live disks or installs directly from them as a recommendation to anyone else. This means having to treat Ubuntu as though it were Windows, meaning I every aspect of security has to be gone over before a new install can ever be used safely. What's next-"sudo chromium-browser" as the default browser? I really would like to be able to trust a default install, not just my own private fork with all the geo, google, and prefetch crap disabled in Firefox, the shopping lens pulled out, etc etc etc.