Comment 129 for bug 1054776

Revision history for this message
Luke (lukekuhn) wrote :

In 12.10 as released, the home lens IS configurable, I've tested this myself on a live flash drive. It works, Amazon searches appear with remote search on and do not appear with it turned off. The issue as of now is rather that the default setting is to return commercial/network results, and the user has to see this and look for a way to turn it off.

Does anyone have any data as to what percentage of Ubuntu users ever open their privacy settings? If it is at or near 100% this complaint from me is withdrawn. On the other hand, we've also got users (I know one) who install and find they can't connect to their wi-fi because they are using the machine password instead of the wifi password. How long will it take these folks to find and open their privacy settings? At least they are not on Windoze helping build botnets....

The issue with default settings being "least privacy" is not unique to Unity but is shared with Zeitgiest logging, cddb , Firefox, and especially Chromium. All of these should come with default settings for maximum privacy when a live disk/ image boots up, and clear instructions to new users to check these settings and set them to their liking.