Comment 30 for bug 607474

Revision history for this message
Julian Gilbey (jdg) wrote :

I've tried running without pulseaudio installed, and with the vanilla xfce4-volumed (Debian testing version - 0.1.13-3). The results are similarly gloomy: top by %MEM and by %CPU:

top - 10:06:08 up 10 days, 3 min, 7 users, load average: 0.69, 0.71, 0.74
Tasks: 240 total, 1 running, 239 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 2.2 us, 0.2 sy, 0.0 ni, 97.3 id, 0.3 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem: 3964008 total, 3819500 used, 144508 free, 2964 buffers
KiB Swap: 9760764 total, 4109228 used, 5651536 free. 117516 cached Mem

27169 jdg 20 0 6027996 2.389g 1232 S 0.0 63.2 46:59.97 xfce4-volu+
27063 jdg 20 0 1012692 429232 1288 S 0.0 10.8 7:56.93 xfsettingsd
27121 jdg 20 0 918084 274812 1996 S 0.0 6.9 3:43.79 panel-14-m+
27661 jdg 20 0 1203644 207228 3716 S 0.7 5.2 7:47.82 iceweasel

top - 10:06:34 up 10 days, 4 min, 7 users, load average: 0.69, 0.71, 0.74
Tasks: 240 total, 2 running, 238 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 11.2 us, 3.5 sy, 0.0 ni, 85.3 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem: 3964008 total, 3816620 used, 147388 free, 2520 buffers
KiB Swap: 9760764 total, 4108836 used, 5651928 free. 114220 cached Mem

26657 root 20 0 194076 9108 2376 R 40.2 0.2 177:26.33 Xorg
27169 jdg 20 0 6030696 2.392g 1232 S 5.0 63.3 47:01.25 xfce4-volu+
27584 root 20 0 76764 1884 808 S 4.0 0.0 130:53.71 cups-brows+
27063 jdg 20 0 1013016 429556 1288 S 2.7 10.8 7:57.20 xfsettingsd
 2900 root 20 0 84784 2736 832 S 1.3 0.1 3:12.57 cupsd

ps aux output:
jdg 27169 5.4 63.3 6034584 2511704 ? Ssl May07 47:03 xfce4-volumed
jdg 27063 0.9 10.8 1013556 430096 ? Ssl May07 7:57 xfsettingsd --display :0.0 --sm-client-id 23a62111e-b5f0-46de-8710-5dd39d2341eb

Attached is a tarball containing the /proc/PID/maps output for these two processes, along with the output of hwinfo.

Also interesting is that although I'm seeing this problem on this MacBook Pro, I don't have the same issue with my PC desktop at home, so there is certainly some hardware issue connected to this.

Thanks from a bewildered Julian!