
Comment 1 for bug 946229

Revision history for this message
Christoph Zwerschke (cito) wrote :

You should clarify two things:

* Do you really want to escape all user input? That would mean that formatting with wiki syntax will not work any more, i.e. if you enter **bold** this would not be bold any more, and if you enter a bullted list with asterisks, they would not be converted to bullet points any more. This would be a pretty big change that needs some discussion, and the additional RFE you mention would be a prerequisite.

* Technically, I'm not sure if the Zim/Dokuwiki syntax even allows escaping arbitrary markup, except by putting it in double or triple quote. But this also changes the rendering to monospaced which is not always what you want. This needs to be clarified first, maybe the markup syntax needs to be extended to implement this.