adding ppa in software sources does not retrieve pgp key

Bug #888417 reported by Britt Yazel
This bug affects 3 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
One Hundred Papercuts
Fix Released
Papercuts Ninjas
software-properties (Ubuntu)
Fix Released
Won't Fix
Fix Released

Bug Description

adding a new software source such as "ppa:libreoffice/ppa" does not retrieve the key as it once did to allow me to install software from ppa's. When using the gui it says "software sources not varified" or something of the like after doing a software update, but when I add the ppa via the command line it prompts me to retrieve the key and then it works.

I am running Ubuntu 11.10 x64

affects: ubuntu → software-properties (Ubuntu)
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

Status changed to 'Confirmed' because the bug affects multiple users.

Changed in software-properties (Ubuntu):
status: New → Confirmed
no longer affects: software-center
no longer affects: software-center (Ubuntu)
Changed in hundredpapercuts:
importance: Undecided → Medium
status: New → Confirmed
Changed in hundredpapercuts:
assignee: nobody → Papercuts Ninja (papercuts-ninja)
milestone: none → precise-7-system-administration
Revision history for this message
Britt Yazel (bwyazel) wrote :

This issue is still not fixed and it NEEDS to get fixed. This makes adding PPA's completely unusable....and that is kind of a big deal.....

Revision history for this message
Britt Yazel (bwyazel) wrote :

Hope this issue gets fixed before the release of the LTS. It's a shame that a bug such as this has slipped through the cracks for so long.

Changed in software-properties (Ubuntu Oneiric):
status: New → Confirmed
tags: added: rls-p-tracking
Changed in software-properties (Ubuntu Precise):
milestone: none → ubuntu-12.04-beta-1
Revision history for this message
Marc Deslauriers (mdeslaur) wrote :

This is caused by the AddPPASigningKeyThread being killed off before having a chance to actually import the PPA key. Here is a proposed fix.

tags: added: patch
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package software-properties - 0.82.3

software-properties (0.82.3) precise; urgency=low

  [ Brian Murray ]
  * when adding new repositories use sourceslist.add instead of append thereby
    preventing duplicate entires. Thanks to Nick Russo for the patch.
    LP: #854841

  [ Robert Roth ]
  * Updated expand properties to properly expand the bottom component to avoid
    putting empty space between components. LP: #912557
  * Added symbolic link for add-apt-repository manpage under the
    apt-add-repository name, LP: #620098
  * Changed Revert button mnemonic to avoid collision with Remove, LP: #652523
  * Handle URLError from ppa pages, instruct the user to check the internet
    connection (LP: #502698)

  [ Marc Deslauriers ]
  * SECURITY UPDATE: incorrect ssl certificate validation (LP: #915210)
    - softwareproperties/ use pycurl to download the signing key
    - tests/ add test.
    - debian/control: add python-pycurl dependency.
    - CVE-2011-4407
  * Wait for PPA GPG key to get imported before ending thread (LP: #888417)
 -- Marc Deslauriers <email address hidden> Fri, 03 Feb 2012 08:16:22 -0500

Changed in software-properties (Ubuntu Precise):
status: Confirmed → Fix Released
Changed in hundredpapercuts:
status: Confirmed → Fix Released
Revision history for this message
Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand) wrote :

Thank you for reporting this bug to Ubuntu. oneiric has reached EOL
(End of Life) and is no longer supported. As a result, this bug
against oneiric is being marked "Won't Fix". Please see for currently supported Ubuntu

Please feel free to report any other bugs you may find.

Changed in software-properties (Ubuntu Oneiric):
status: Confirmed → Won't Fix
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