Comment 2 for bug 1363404

Revision history for this message
Данило Шеган (danilo) wrote :

Unfortunately, for Serbian, it would have to be really spelled out. Different days of the week have different genders, so adjective "every" changes form depending on the day.

Basically, it'd have to be messages for all of

"Every Monday" (сваког понедељка)
"Every Tuesday" (сваког уторка)
"Every Wednesday" (сваке среде)
"Every Thursday" (сваког четвртка)
"Every Friday" (сваког петка)
"Every Saturday" (сваке суботе)
"Every Sunday" (сваке недеље)

Note how "every" is either "сваког" or "сваке".

"Every week" would go into either "сваких недељу дана" or "сваке седмице" (the problem being that the same word is used in Serbian for a week and a Sunday).

Also, it would be even more problematic if independent day names are used in different contexts: they are usually translated in the base nominative form, but in the above, we need to use genitive forms (понедељак vs понедељка, среда vs среде).

I know it's tough for a developer (I am one myself) to accept having to expand and spell out things that seem like completely reusable code, but languages are simply like this.