Comment 0 for bug 1913198

Revision history for this message
blue-on (blue-on) wrote :

i am using Logitech G402 Gaming mouse.
ubuntu changes cursor speed faster when mouse speed fast, which is named as "Mouse Acceleration". this is activated by default.
but somehow, this does not work with my G402 mouse. the cursor just moves with no acceleration.
so i checked if my acceleration profile is incorrect with gnome-tweaks, and it was set to 'default'. regardless how i change "Acceleration Profile", it just moves without acceleration. weird thing is changing acceleration profile between "Default"(Adaptive) and "Flat" does something. 'flat' gives much wider range to mouse speed slider on system settings, fast is too fast, slow is too slow.

i checked this with various version and distribution to confirm this is bug. all version listed below is tested on USB live boot system with default settings.
affected version i checked:
-Ubuntu 18.04 and variants
-Ubuntu 19.04 and variants
-Ubuntu 19.10 and variants
-Ubuntu 20.04 and variants
-Ubuntu 20.10 latest release with package update and variants

other affected distribution i checked:
-Debian buster latest Gnome release
-Debian buster latest LXQt release
-Fedora workstation latest network install

as this bug affects wide range of linux distributions, i belive this is x11-related or driver issue but i have no idea which one is the problem.