Port patron interfaces to Angular (search, checkout, etc.)

Bug #1904036 reported by Bill Erickson
This bug affects 4 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released

Bug Description

Circa Evergreen 3.6

This is meant to cover patron search, checkout, items out, holds, bills, messages, edit, and the "other" dropdown.

Similar to the staff catalog project, this will be a long-running project that will likely have a few releases in an experimental state.

I have started a branch to lay out the structure. One note on the new code is that via the CSS magic of position: sticky; we're able to remove most of the hard-coded, fixed position handling that currently plagues the AngJS patron UI, specifically the editor. Included is sticky positioning of the patron summary info. (Note there's a new global "sticky-top-with-nav" CSS class).

Branch on its way.

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Work in progress:


This includes the base structure of the interface, patron summary display (mostly done), holds display (mostly done) and in some cases actions link to existing interfaces (e.g. booking stuff). The rest is simply stubbed out.

Revision history for this message
Jason Etheridge (phasefx) wrote :

Hey Bill, just a reminder that bug 1207533 will handle the Triggered Events Log interface, though it's currently opening a new tab and we may want to make it embedded again once the parent interface has been re-angularized. It's currently undergoing internal testing. Thanks!

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Rebased branch:


This branch is ready for broader testing. It's a big one, since the patron UI is a collection of tightly linked sub-interfaces. There wasn't really a way to do it piecemeal.

It includes the entirety of the patron UI (checkout, holds, etc.) minus the Notes, Triggered Events, and Message Center, since changes to these are under way in other LP bugs (bug #1207533 and bug #1846354). I also ported the Checkin UI, since that turned out to be a more expedient way to test checkins while developing the patron items out, etc. interfaces.

I have not copied the upgrade SQL into the seed data yet, pending more testing. For now, the upgrade script should be run manually regardless of how the branch is installed.

To ease testing, I have also hard-coded two new menu entries:

Search -> Search For Patrons (Experimental)
Circulation -> Checkin (Experimental)

Some notable additions:

1. Adds route_to support to the Angular login page (post-login redirects)

2. Grid flat data service (to use the open-ils.fielder.flattened_search API)

3. Adds a new offline data API that returns all of the data needed by the offline UI so the client can fetch it and cache it in its entirety on demand. For now, it refreshes the data upon login if the data is older than 1 day (consistent w/ angjs). In my limited testing, this has minimal impact on login timing and it consolidates/simplifies a lot of the offline logic. I'm sure we can make it smarter if we need to.

4. Loads of support code / components / services and server-managed print templates.

tags: added: pullrequest
Changed in evergreen:
milestone: none → 3.8-beta
Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Pushed a commit which groups the new experimental Angular interfaces into a single nav bar entry. The new entry is labeled "Circulation (Experimental)" and can be enabled via a new org unit setting "ui.staff.angular_circ.enabled".

This change makes the navigation a lot tidier.

I'm still working from user/berick/lp1904036-patron-ui-angular-v3

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Rebased branch pushed:


Included is a pic of the navbar with the experimental menu enabled.

Revision history for this message
Ruth Frasur (rfrasur) wrote :

The "Privilege Expiration Date" Column header in the Patron Search grid does not have a column label. I've included a screenshot showing the active columns (well, some of them) and the last column that does show the expiration date without a column label.

Revision history for this message
Ruth Frasur (rfrasur) wrote :

Having the sources (Circulation and Item specifically) in the Items Out Grid makes for overly long column header labels. eg. [Item: Is Deposit Required] and [Circulation: Record Creation Date/Time].

Revision history for this message
Terran McCanna (tmccanna) wrote :

Patron Search Screen: I noticed there were far too many default columns visible to be useful. It would be nice to have a more curated subset as default so that all staff members won't have to go through and hide columns the first time they use the new interface.

Revision history for this message
Ruth Frasur (rfrasur) wrote (last edit ):

The "Activate Hold" action is missing from the Holds tab grid actions menu. Activating holds can be done by selection "Modify Hold." Not sure if this is a feature or a bug.

Revision history for this message
Lindsay Stratton (lstratton) wrote :

Patron Registration:

The "Active" flag is not enabled by default (as it is in 3.6.4).

The field cannot be made required (only Show or Suggest); if only required fields are displayed it is easy to create a new account that is inactive.

Revision history for this message
Lindsay Stratton (lstratton) wrote :

Patron registration / Checkout / Edit:

After a new patron is created, the record can be retrieved by barcode from Circulation (experimental) > Checkout, but in Edit the barcode number is stripped from the record.

Tested using:
- newly created patron with active flag unchecked; could not check Active and save record, noticed the missing barcode
- newly created patron with active flag checked

- a

Revision history for this message
Lindsay Stratton (lstratton) wrote :

Patron registration / Checkout / Edit - continued:

- After adding a new barcode (and active = true) and saving record, the barcode persists

Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :

Testing interfaces as part of Feedback Fest August 2021. Below is not a comprehensive testing of all interfaces. I will try to update the bug report as I have more time to test this week.

(I also want to mention that I think the work done on these interfaces is great. And it's because the work is so good that I get to be as nitpicky as I am.)

Patron Record
- Preferred Name should be prominent display name. Fix released for AngularJS: LP Bug #1924185.

Check Out tab
- Barcode and Title fields are not hyperlinked
- Calendar should not be clickable if a Specific Due Date option is not checked; confusing to users.
- "Specific Due Date" option only works for a single checkout. Should stick for entirety of checkout session.
- "Alert Message" should not be a default column since it references XUL-client alerts.
- Action menu to "Add Item Alerts" is redundant since this can be done through the Manage interface now.
- No visual indicator if receipt will be emailed or printed by default (JS had an icon of letter/printer).

Items Out tab
- Actions menu "Checkin" should be "Check In"
- Request to update Action menu option from "Add Item Alerts" to "Manage Item Alerts"
- "Edit Due Date" does not allow me to pick a due date in the past. This is sometimes necessary. (Example - item is accidently checked in. It is then checked back out to the patron; due date needs to be updated to original due date, which may be in the past.)
- "Mark Claims Returned" behavior is wonky. Screen doesn't update until going to "Other/Special" tab. Claims returned counter in the summary also does not update automatically.
- Checking in a deleted item can still capture holds; this did not happen in JS interface.

Check In
- Transit pop-up has white background around truck that is distracting.
- "Update Inventory" Checkin Modifier is missing a space after the X.
- "Alert Message" should not be a default column since it references XUL-client alerts.

- Printing receipts does not seem to work from any of the new interfaces. Confirmed receipts printed in JS interfaces on same server.

Revision history for this message
Lindsay Stratton (lstratton) wrote :

Patron search - search results grid missing column headers

 - Active
 - Alert Message
 - Barred
 - claims Never Checked Out Count
 - Claims Returned Count
 - Current Library Card (id; necessary?)
 - Daytime Phone
 - Email Address
 - Evening Phone
 - Family Linkage or other Group (id; useful?)
 - Home Library
 - Internet Access Level (id; display label more useful)
 - Is Deleted
 - Is Group Lead Account
 - Is Super User
 - Juvenile
 - Last Transaction Id (useful?)
 - Mailing Address (useful?)
 - Main (Profile) Permission Group (duplicates Profile option)
 - Name Keyword internal tsvector (useful??)
 - Name Keywords
 - OPAC/Staff Client Holds Alias (shorten?)
 - OPAC/Staff Client User Name
 - Other Phone
 - Parent/Guardian
 - Password (empty; not useful)
 - Photo URL
 - Physical Address (useful?)
 - Preferred First Name
 - Preferred Last Name
 - Preferred Middle Name
 - Preferred Prefix
 - Preferred Suffix
 - Prefix/Title
 - Primary ID
 - Primary ID Type (id; display label more useful?)
 - Privilege Expiration Date
 - Record Last Update Time
 - Secondary ID
 - Secondary ID Type (id; display label more useful?)
 - Standing (unused) (displays id; remove if not used)
 - Suffix
 - User Credit Balance (not able to select of no credit balance?)

Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :

More Testing:

Patron Record
-"Alerts and Messages" tab does not appear by default when opening a patron record with transactions that should cause the screen to appear. Further testing shows that the auto-display is sporadic maybe? Anyone else seeing weird behavior?

Items Out tab
- If setting is enabled to have LOST items display in "Items Checked Out" subtab, then its overdue color-coding is not present (See 99999311521 - BR3 workstation).

Holds tab
- "Title" is not a default column.
- Action to "Retrieve Patron" is unnecessary.
- Detail View - "Request Date" should display time in addition to date.
- No way to "Un-cancel" hold from "Recently Canceled Holds" subtab.
- Error Retrieving Results when attempting to sort by the "Status" column.
- "Part Label" column should be renamed to simply "Part".

Bills tab
- Color-coding is not present (dark red - lost, light red - overdue/accruing fines, ?? - long overdue?). The status column is also missing for color-impaired users.
- "Last Payment Time" column should include time in addition to date.
- Column options missing many columns. Missing columns important for CW MARS - Owning Library, Checkout/Renewal Library.
- If you use "Add Billing" or "Adjust to Zero" from the Actions menu, the Patron Summary and Tab label do not refresh with the new amounts.
- Bill Detail View - Transaction summary missing links to Billing Location (i.e. https://terran-testbox.gapines.org/eg/opac/library/BR3) and Title.
- Bill Detail View missing "Item Summary" section of the screen, showing item barcode, owning library, etc.
- Bill Detail View - Details subtab - Headers on "Bills" and "Payments" tables completely missing.
- Bill Detail View - Details subtab - "Voiding Staff Member" and "Accepting User" columns show User ID instead of username.
- Date selector doesn't work in Bills - History - Payments subtab.

Check In
- Transit slip pop-up displays term "checkin.destination" instead of something human-readable. JS displayed "Destination"
- Transit slip pop-up does not appear to be displaying hold addresses. Checked in an item for BR4, JS displayed address but Angular did not.
- Effective Date calendar dropdown should have a way to choose today's today or to clear the date. Only other way to clear the effective date is to refresh the page.

- Saving grid settings on Angular pages messes up grids in JS. For example, saving the display for the "Holds" tab results in just the "Status" column appearing in JS.

Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote (last edit ):
Download full text (4.1 KiB)

[Edited - fixed typos]

Patron Search
- Searches using DOB Month or DOB Day run indefinitely.
- Unable to open up a patron record in new tab. In JS, you can ctrl+click to open up the top links in a new tab, allowing to open up multiple patrons from the same search.
- While in Patron Search, you can't access Circulation (Experimental) > Patron Search to replace the screen with a new Patron Search. This also happens with Check In, (and potentially other pages).

Patron Registration/Edit
- If you attempt to navigate from the Edit tab without saving changes, you are prompted to continue. If you try to navigate to the Bills tab, however, the prompt appears, but then it disappears before it can be interacted with.
- Odd behavior with requiredness of Email Address. Steps to reproduce: 1. Set Email Notify to True and enter in an email address. 2. Save the record. 3. Retrieve the record again. Remove the email address - Save button greys out. 4. Uncheck Email Notify. Note the Save button still doesn't work.
- Checkmarking Phone / SMS does not require a phone number or SMS number respectively. Entering an SMS number doesn't require an SMS carrier.
- Prompt to update hold notifications generally works, but if you attempt to update SMS number, the prompt for that portion is blank, and the SMS number does not update. If you update SMS carrier, you are prompted with something like the following: "A carrier other than "Cincinnati Bell" is currently used in 3 hold(s). Update to "Aliant"?" I think both quoted areas should be the new carrier. It doesn't make sense otherwise. In this example, they should both be "Aliant".
- In JS Edit, replacing the barcode would automatically inactivate the previous barcode. This no longer happens.
- If you click to delete an address and then add a new address, the new address fields prepopulate with the old address
- Alert messages added here are not displaying in the patron summary. They are also displaying awkwardly on the Stop Sign page.
- When using the "Save and Clone" feature, the new patron is created with a blank barcode. It is almost impossible to update the barcode from the blank one. I also cannot seem to do much else with the cloned patron record - I attempted to check out material and add a bill without success.
- In the "Secondary Groups" modal, the "Apply Changes" button does not work.

Check Out
- If an item has an alert and there is any other type of alert that occurs at Check Out, (for example, over fine limit, copy not allowed to circ, etc), then the item alert text doesn't display. Instead the following does:
The requested copy has an alert message attached"

Group Member Details
- Many of the headers are missing. Only visible ones are "Balance Owed", "Items Out", "Items Overdue" and "Barcode"

Patron Record
- Patron Summary should use 4 digit years instead of 2 digit years. For example, Date of Birth - 01/01/19. Were they born in 1919 or 2019?

Check In
- The first item to be checked in that both has fines and needs to transit will produce the monstrosity of a display that you see attached. Subsequent fines/transits do not seem to do this. This also sometimes seems to hap...


Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Jessica Woolford (jwoolford) wrote (last edit ):

When logged in as a Circulator account with permission to view fine summary only at their location, I get an Operator Change prompt, but no indication of the permission error as there is in the AngularJS patron search.

If Place Hold can no longer search the catalog without leaving the patron record, it should open in a new tab.

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Thanks for all of the great input, everyone!

I've pushed a new branch rebased to master with some initial fixes applied:


This addresses issues noted in comments 7, 9-13.

Regarding comment 8, "Having the sources (Circulation and Item specifically) in the Items Out Grid makes for overly long column header labels." -- When a column is selected for display, it does not show the source in the grid. The sources are only displayed in the column picker. This was my attempt at finding a happy medium between avoiding huge column headers and avoiding duplicate column names in the picker (when no sources are present). This can be tweaked, though.

Will resume addressing the remaining input next.

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

I have pushed fixes to John's comments in:


... with one caveat.

"Add Item Alerts" and "Manage Item Alerts" are 2 separate actions that both need to exist. The "Add" variation can add alerts to multiple items at once, whereas the Manage option allows you to add/modify/delete for a single item only.

Revision history for this message
Andrea Neiman (aneiman) wrote :

Noting for the record that bug 1846354 (consolidate patron notes) has gone in for 3.8-beta. That work, as its name indicates, consolidates the Messages and Notes tabs into one tab labelled "Notes." It intentionally did not address the actual Message Center tab, which is still extant in all its Dojo glory.

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Thanks, Andrea. I hope to look at the new notes/messages stuff soon for this branch.

Also note to testers I have addressed about 90% of the issues listed in this bug report. I still need to add new grid workstation settings, though, to avoid clobbering the analogous AngJS grid prefs.

Revision history for this message
Jennifer Weston (jweston) wrote :

Tested previously reported issues for Patron Search, Register Patron, and Patron Edit in Circulation (Experimental)

Found the following items now pass testing and have been resolved:
- column header in the patron search grid for "Privilege Expiration Date" is now visible
- active flag is enabled by default for patron registration & can check/uncheck with expected results
- barcode for newly registered patron is now visible in Edit
- navigating from Edit to Bills tab with unsaved changes will now prompt and wait for response
- Checking SMS for Hold Notification Format now requires a default SMS/Text Number
- replacing barcode now automatically inactivates the previous barcode
- Save and Clone issue with blank barcodes has been resolved
- Delete address no longer prepopulates with old address when adding a new address
- Secondary Groups can now successfully Apply Changes

These issues are still occurring (or are new):

- from patron search results, now able to open a patron record in a new tab with ctrl+click; however, cannot open in new tab with right-click menu to "Open Link in New Tab"

- while in patron search, cannot access Circulation (Experimental) > Search for Patrons menu to replace the screen for a new search

- Checking Phone as Hold Notification format does not require default phone or any phone value; the record can be saved without a phone number

- Email Hold Notification Format has odd behavior depending upon the order of actions on the edit screen; if you check the box to indicate Email for notification and then add the email address, the Save button is greyed out - you have to uncheck and then recheck the notification box to be able to save; if you add email address first and then check the email box, you can save

- Patron Summary dates are still not showing 4 digit years. DOB is displaying as MMM d, yyyy (Sep 22, 2000) and other dates (last updated, create date, and expire date) are all showing 2 digit years (09/22/21)

Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :

Thanks for your continued work on this, Bill. I'm making my way through the updates.

One new thing - or something I didn't catch before.

The hyperlinked titles in the Items Out tab are populating the URL with the item's ID instead of the bib record ID, sending users to either nonexistent or at least incorrect bib records.

Revision history for this message
Jennifer Weston (jweston) wrote :

Patron Search (additional notes):

- Column picker list on patron search results grid is not in alpha order when using the Manage Columns tool to select/deselect fields; it is displayed in alpha order with initial grid options -- just not under Manage Columns

- In Manage Columns, the "Sort Priority" option is missing

Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :

I was able to get through all of Comment 14 and 16, and a little of 17 before the test server went down today.

Here are new issues or issues that have come up due to fixes:

- Unable to cancel a hold from the Holds tab - may be a bigger issue or problem on server? Can't cancel hold from Angular catalog - can still cancel holds from AngularJS Holds tab.

- Check In Effective Date "use effective date until logout" does not work. To test: Set an Effective Date and click the box. Navigate to Home. Navigate back to Angular Check In. Note that box is no longer checked.

- The color-coding appears to be present in bills, but it is a little hard to see the hyperlinked text on the dark red for LOST - may want to adjust colors some. Highlighting a dark-red row also makes all text hard-to-read.

- Bill Detail View - Details subtab - [Billing] "Type" column shows ID instead of label.
- Bill Detail View - Details subtab - all dates (Create Date, Payment Date/Time, etc) should include time along with date.

And here are issues that are still present:

- If setting is enabled to have LOST items display in "Items Checked Out" subtab, then its overdue color-coding is not present (See 27447000016099- BR4 workstation).

- Holds tab: Detail View - "Request Date" should display time in addition to date.

- Holds tab: Error Retrieving Results when attempting to sort by the "Status" column.

- Bills tab: If you use "Add Billing" or "Adjust to Zero" from the Actions menu, the Patron Summary and Tab label do not refresh with the new amounts.

- Check In: Transit slip pop-up does not appear to be displaying hold addresses. Checked in an item for BR4, JS displayed address but Angular did not.

- Saving grid settings on Angular pages messes up grids in JS. For example, saving the display for the "Holds" tab results in just the "Status" column appearing in JS. (I think you’re still aware of this, Bill.)

- Patron Search: Unable to open up a patron record in new tab. In JS, you can ctrl+click to open up the top links in a new tab, allowing to open up multiple patrons from the same search.

- While in Angular Patron Search, you can't access Circulation (Experimental) > Search for Patrons to replace the screen with a new Patron Search. This also happens with Check In, (and potentially other pages). - This seems to be a general issue with Angular pages.

I'll try to continue tomorrow if the server comes back up and I have time.

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Thanks for the continued testing!

I have not addressed the latest reports, but I have rebased the branch to current master to resolve a pile of merge conflicts:


Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :

Okay, made my way through the rest of comment 17. Here is what's remaining.

- Prompt to update hold notifications generally works, but if you attempt to update SMS number, the prompt for that portion is blank, and the SMS number does not update. If you update SMS carrier, you are prompted with something like the following: "A carrier other than "Cincinnati Bell" is currently used in 3 hold(s). Update to "Aliant"?" I think both quoted areas should be the new carrier. It doesn't make sense otherwise. In this example, they should both be "Aliant".

- Patron Summary should use 4 digit years instead of 2 digit years. For example, Date of Birth - 01/01/19.

- Check In: "Update Inventory" Checkin Modifier does not appear to update Inventory Date or Inventory Workstation.

- Check In: - Missing action to "Mark Items Discard/Weed".

- Check Out - item alerts still display oddly if ther are other pop-ups.

- Item Alerts Manager in Angular does not display the alert type. It is always blank.

- "Capture Holds" screen does not appear to work at all. Nothing happens after entering a barcode and clicking "Submit".

- Browser tabs should be renamed for better usability
-- "Checkin Items" update to "Check In"
-- "Patron: L Name, F Name" updated to "L Name, F Name"
-- "Manage Patrons" updated to "Patron Search"

I did not retest the following because I was having some general display issues this afternoon that could have affected behavior. There may be some issues with the server.

- The first item to be checked in that both has fines and needs to transit will produce the monstrosity of a display that you see attached. Subsequent fines/transits do not seem to do this. This also sometimes seems to happen if the item has an alert attached.

Revision history for this message
Jennifer Pringle (jpringle-u) wrote :

Here are a few issues I've run into testing the angular circ.

Register Patron
- four digit password not auto-generated by Evergreen
- Receive Overdue and Courtesy Emails is not checked by default (it is in the JS version on the same server)
- Email checkout receipts by default? appears twice on the form - under the Email field and in the User Settings section. I don't have a preference between the two locations but it should only appear once on the form.

Check In
- Patron Barcode not an available field (this is an existing issue in JS - https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1774272)
- Patron Password (ILS User: Password) is an available column - nothing displays in this field but I think it's problematic to have it appear as if available as staff may then expect to be able to use it to look up passwords for patrons who have forgotten their password

Changed in evergreen:
milestone: 3.8-beta → 3.next
Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Kyle Huckins (khuckins) wrote :

Small (and still somewhat WIP) patch here - https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/khuckins/lp1904036-patron-ui-angular-v7-screenreader-tweaks

The patch adds a Screenreader-only mode for the edit toolbar, and places it at the end of the eg2 patron edit and register patron interfaces. It functions as expected on the Patron edit screen, though I've run into issues getting it to do much of anything on the patron register screen.

Revision history for this message
Kyle Huckins (khuckins) wrote :

Hrm, can't seem to get the Patron UI to do anything with the second screenreader-only instance of the toolbar. It exists, and the screenreader sees and dictates the buttons properly, but the actual functionality of the button does nothing. The reason for this is unclear

Revision history for this message
Jessica Woolford (jwoolford) wrote :

Legal name is missing from the summary.

Revision history for this message
Shula Link (slink-g) wrote :

Minor Z-Layer Issue if you use the "Other" drop down menu when the "Messages" tab is selected. Screenshot attached.

Revision history for this message
Ryan Eby (aadl-ubuntu) wrote :

The Check In interface is missing the Call Number field as an option. May be missing others.

Revision history for this message
Michele Morgan (mmorgan) wrote :

A few observations while testing on the terran-master Bug Squashing Week server:

- Saving experimental grid settings mangles traditional grid settings. This was observed in Check Out, Items out, Holds on the patron record and Check In. After choosing columns and selecting Save Grid Settings in Experimental interface, Traditional interfaces showed different columns, mostly only one or two. This looks similar to bug 1907123.

- Checkin Modifiers menu opens in different places, sometimes partially off the screen.

- Checkins with Retarget Local Holds fail, console error:

open-ils.circ.checkin failed! stat=500 msg= *** Call to [open-ils.circ.checkin] failed for session [0.60959757520081741649274064176], thread trace [0]:
Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/OpenILS/Application/Circ/Circulate.pm line 3462.

- Checkins with Retarget Local Holds and Retarget All Statuses fail, console error:

​open-ils.circ.checkin failed! stat=500 msg= *** Call to [open-ils.circ.checkin] failed for session [0.62991902088850931649273934435], thread trace [0]:
OpenILS::Application::Circ::Circulator: invalid autoload field: retarget_holds_all

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Rebased branch pushed for 3.9-era support:


Includes some fixes from comments above:

1. Checkin with retarget all/local holds fixes
2. Z-layer fix for "Other" dropdown menu
3. Adds call number fields to checkin grid

Work to create separate grid prefs ongoing.

Bill Erickson (berick)
Changed in evergreen:
milestone: 3.next → 3.10-beta
Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Another branch:


1. Rebased to master

2. Merged ~85 bug fix commits from our production branch that I've been meaning to get to.

3. Two tip commits migrate all menu entries and buttons/links/etc to the new Angular interfaces. For now, these two commits act in affect as the big red undo switch.

Revision history for this message
Terran McCanna (tmccanna) wrote :

Detailed testing was done during Bug Squashing Week in July 2022 and the findings tracked on this spreadsheet:


tags: added: needswork
Revision history for this message
Michele Morgan (mmorgan) wrote :

Just adding a note that the issue in bug 1735221 needs to be addressed in the Angularized Checkin interface.

Items with alerts and a shelving location with Hold Verify fail to capture hold and do not checkin.

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote (last edit ):

Rebased branch with updated 'ng lint' rules applied:


I have not yet applied the fixes from Terran's doc.

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Another branch, rebased:


* Adds an experimental Circulation menu to access the new interfaces.

* Adds a new org unit setting to enable the experimental Angular circ menu: 'ui.staff.angular_circ.enabled'

* Adds a permission which must be granted for individual staff to see the menu once enabled via the org setting: ACCESS_ANGULAR_CIRC

Revision history for this message
Jane Sandberg (sandbergja) wrote (last edit ):

Thank you to Bill and all who have tested this so far.

It's looking good to me. I'm adding my signoff at this branch: https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/sandbergja/lp1904036-patron-ui-angular-signoff

That branch also includes some fixes to the seed data, and some release notes.

Also one more thing that will need to be fixed: the specific due date option allows you to check out an item with a due date in the past (similar to bug 1034058).

tags: added: signedoff
Galen Charlton (gmc)
Changed in evergreen:
assignee: nobody → Galen Charlton (gmc)
Revision history for this message
Terran McCanna (tmccanna) wrote :

FYI, I added another tab to the tracking spreadsheet so that we can note which *new* AngularJS changes/fixes are applied to these interfaces that will still need to be recreated in the Angular work.

Revision history for this message
Galen Charlton (gmc) wrote :

Pushed for inclusion in 3.10. My thanks, to Bill, Terran, Jane, and everybody who tested.

Changed in evergreen:
status: New → Fix Committed
assignee: Galen Charlton (gmc) → nobody
Changed in evergreen:
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
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